Weird Boy!

 Just a quick post to show off the Rogue Trader Weirdboy that I painted at the weekend. He's one of the two one piece sculpts that include the minders roughly handing the Weirdboy into battle and comes from the period around the time of the 3 orks books that were released during the Rogue Trader in about 1990. 

This page shows the model in the 1991 catalogue. This particular Weirdboy was sculpted by Kev Adams but you can see a couple on the page that are Bob Olley jobs as well. All the madboys that i've got to go along with the Weirdboy are Bob Olley.

I was lucky enough to have a cache of the original plastic arms and weapons to attach to the minderz (from the ork boys box I had when I was young  and care free.

Painting this was a nice change of pace from the batch painting that I've been doing a lot of recently and i might even get back to do doing more Oldhammer stuff in the future. I've got more Orks that need doing as well as Chaos, Orcs and Empire figures that might need visiting before Warhammer Old World comes out.


  1. This is one of the most awesome Ork models ever, and you certainly made the trio look gorgeous. Fantastic paintjob!!

  2. A classic! It's a great sculpt, and the painting's really good too. I love the stripy trousers!


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