Gert Lush Lard

Way back in October (yeah, yeah, i'm behind, so what?) I drove up to take part in Gert Lush Lard at Bristol Independent Gamers in, erm, Bristol. My bezzy mate from forever, Neil (who along with Linz, makes up my oldest gaming triumverate, 35+ years of it) flew down from Edinburgh for the weekend to take part. I was obviously running Infamy! Infamy!, and Neil got a game in the afternoon, but he also got a game of What a Cowboy in the morning which he enjoyed very much, even if he was somewhat suicidal in his tactics.

All the photos are from the afternoon game as I completely forgot to take any pics in the morning. Neil, being much calmer, remembered to take some while playing which means that the whole effort was recorded for posterity.

The two games gave very different outcomes with one win a piece for the Goths and the Romans.
In the morning game the Goths split their forces equally between the three objectives in an attempt to win the game by playing to the rules. In the afternon the Goths decided that was a load of crap and decided batter the Romans to pieces.

It became very apparent that the key to Roman victory is to support it's front line units and to stop the Goths from building up any superiority in numbers. In the 2nd game the Goths were able to take the Romans down by splitting the two groups of Legionaires and once that happend it was all over.

That being said, the Romans took quite a beating and if well handled a unit of Romans can take a hell of beating before they are forced to withdraw.

The Goth Nobles, with their heavy armour and increased attacks are a force to be reckoned with and their less well armed brethren were the easier targets for the romans but the shere number of mobs that piled in meant that wounds were spread too thin to make enough difference, espcially if the mobs had fervour they could work with first.

The Nobles on horses didn't have much glory, bouncing off units that they attacked and generally being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I think it'll be a while before I learn how to use them to the best advantage in the game.

Once the battle had devolved to the final scrum in front of the villa (during the afternoon game) the writing was on the wall for the brave Romans. the Limitanei had all fled and the other Legionaires were out of position looking for something else to do. The Goths just needed to feed more units into the fight to wear the Romans down.

By the end of the games, everyone had gotten a hang of the game and the combats were belting along at a decent pace, even I felt like I knew what I was doing.

Thanks to everyone that played duirng that day and thanks to BIG for hosting such a great event.

