Blog not dead Shock!


I've had a funny old start to the year and the painting mojo wasn't with me and hence I wasn't in the mood to blog. However. the need to get stuff done for a challenge on another blog and the excitement that Warhammer the old world has brought means that I have actually gotten stuff done. So come with me as we take a wander through the first quarter of 2024.

Squats. These are what I have been painting for the Painting Challenge as witnessed on the   blog. I've only been painting 250 points a month but it are these little fellows that have kept my little mojo light a fluttering so fair play to them.

I ran a couple of games of Sharp Practice at Bristol Winter Wonderlard in January and had great fun.

I dug out this Jabberslythe that had been lying in the garage unloved and unfinished. I filled all his whole and gaps and experimented with speed paints that I was given for my Birthday. I'll go back and finish him before he make his table top debut.

More Squats, this time the little egg shaped, Exo armour dudes. These will be the warlord and some of his Hearthguard.

And here are the rest of the Hearthguard, a battle standard bearer, a mole mortar and a Engineer in Exo armour.

I managed to arrange my first game of Old World with a complete stranger I met on the internet and decided that my Chaos Warriors needed a bit muscle to scare my opponent.
These Jes Goodwin Ogres have been begging to be painted and I thoroughly enjoyed myself with them so I wouldn't be surprised if I get more done during the year.

I made the trip over to Ireland for Mr Saturday's 50th where we arranged to play Slaine for the weekend. I chose to paint up some Fomorians (3D printed Warp miniatures and a Metal leader) and again tried out the speed paints on them to see what kind of effect I can get.

My latest unit of squats. Only one squad cos I accidentally overspent last month so these got me back on track.

And finally I bought myself another minotaur, a dragon ogre and a Beastman Chariot and added them to my beastman army. I took this little force to my first ever Tournament, 1000pts of Warhammer the Old World at Kirton games near me. I had 3 games and a great time, winning 2 and losing 1 and coming 7th over all (Skaven, High Elves and Chaos Dwarfs kick my butt)

More about The Old World in my future posts but I'm enjoying my games the the rules immensely so I'm looking to make more armies and have more games.



  1. Big fan of the old metal Squats and yours have scrubbed up very well. What’s the reason for the hex bases?

  2. Nice looking first quarter! Hard to pick out my favorites. I'm quite like the squat exo armour these days, I think you did a really nice job on the power(?) sword/axe coloration.

  3. Glad you're still up and running as I've only just subscribed to this blog. All excellent minis, but those Goodwin ogres are particularly outstanding.

  4. Great stuff - in particular the Jes Goodwin ogres look fantastic!

  5. You've been a busy boy! I'm especially inpsired by the Napoleonic table!!!!

  6. Thanks for the comments folks, the reply feature doesn't seem to want to work these days so I'll try and answer questions here. Citizen Sade, no reason for the Hex's apart from shear bloody mindedness. Daveb, thanks, I was experimenting, it's a bit hit and miss still but it's always worth trying new things! Old Hob and Warburton, the Ogres were great fun to paint, i'm looking forward to doing more of them. Grover, I'm proud of that table, there aren't a huge number of buildings but the way they are arranged makes it a tough battle for the Austrians to win.


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